Ish Boshet
נמצאו 3 תוצאות חיפוש
The First Split of the Kingdom
Chapter 2 (I)
Rabbi Amnon BazakChapter 2 discusses the first period of David’s monarchy over Judah in Hebron. Why was David’s first order of business to turn to the people of Yavesh Gilad? Who is to blame for the division of Israel into two monarchies – with Ish Boshet ruling over Israel and David ruling over Judah?
Avner Crosses Over To David's Camp
Chapter 3 (II)
Rabbi Amnon BazakAvner ben Ner gets into trouble with Ish Boshet regarding Ritzpah bat Aya, and deserts his camp and joins David. What is the reason behind the disagreement? Why does David ask that Shaul, Michal's daughter, is returned to him? Was taking Michal from Palti ben Layish the correct thing to do?
The Killing of Ish Boshet (Part I)
Chapter 4
Rabbi Amnon BazakWhy do Rehav and Ba'ana kill Ish Boshet? How does their action relate to the fact that they are from Be'erot? How does the surprising version of the Septuagint to verse 7 shed new light on the story?