Judah and Israel

נמצאו 2 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. The First Split of the Kingdom

    Chapter 2 (I)

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    Chapter 2 discusses the first period of David’s monarchy over Judah in Hebron. Why was David’s first order of business to turn to the people of Yavesh Gilad? Who is to blame for the division of Israel into two monarchies – with Ish Boshet ruling over Israel and David ruling over Judah?

  2. Yirmiyahu 3-4

    Matan Al Haperek

    Rabbi David Sabato

    Perek 3 details prophecies relating to the repentance of both the northern and southern kingdoms, specifically criticizing the nation's insincere repentance during the reign of king Yoshiyanu. The continuation of the perek includes a vision of consolation including mention of the ingathering of the exiles, a perfected spiritual atmosphere, and the unification of the kingdom. The prophecies in this perek echo the rebuke in perek 2 through the use of similar phrases and imagery.

    In perek 4, Yirmiyahu envisions the sights and sounds of Yehuda's future destruction: the arrival of the enemy from the north which is compared to a lion (5-8, 12-13), the helpless response of Yerushalayim's leaders (9), and the destruction and abandonment of the land of Israel in the wake of the enemy takeover (23-29). Interwoven through these descriptions, are Yirmiyahu's pained reactions to the shocking images of his own prophecy.