נמצאו 10 תוצאות חיפוש
Kedoshim Tihiyu - Rov Gufei Torah Teluim Ba
Rabbi Reuven TaraginIs there a logic to the order of the episodes in the parasha? Why is chapter 19 sandwiched between chapters 18 and 20, despite the fact that the two discuss the same subject? This lesson discusses the structure of Leviticus chapter 19.
The Sanctity of the Nation of Israel in Sefer Devarim
Rabbi Amnon BazakWhy are obligatory sacrifices not mentioned in Devarim? Apparently there is an essential distinction between atonement in Vayikra and atonement in Devarim. In Vayikra the essence of sanctity stems from the Mishkan, and the nation's atonement is achieved through the work of the Kohanim. In Devarim, the essence of Kedusha is embodied by the nation; the sins of Am Yisrael are forgiven through prayer and teshuva.
Atonement in Sefer Vayikra and in Sefer Devarim
Rabbi Amnon BazakBnei Yisrael are told, for the first time, that God will choose a place for the dwelling of the Divine Presence, where they can bring their gifts to God. The list of gifts is repeated over and over, which raises the question: why does the Torah mention the voluntary sacrifices (Olah and Shelamim; Tithes; vows; etc.) but omit the obligatory sacrifices? Devarim seems in general to ignore obligatory sacrifices. The reason might offer perspective on the distinction between Vayikra and Devarim.
Atonement in Sefer Vayikra and in Sefer Devarim
Rabbi Amnon Bazak | 12 דקותWhat is at the heart of the differences in perspective on the sacrificial offerings between Sefer Vayikra and Sefer Devarim, and what can this teach us about two distinct types of sanctity that the Torah presents?
One is Holy
Rabbi Jay KelmanThe Netziv on Kedoshim in Emor
Rabbi David SilverbergLooking Away from the Sacred Vessels
Rabbi David SilverbergBamidbar: Who Cares About Genealogy?
Rabbi David Fohrman |In Parshat Bamidbar, we read a genealogy of the families of the nation of Israel - but isn't that kind of boring? In this video, we get a closer insight into some strange verses about Aaron's family, and Rabbi Fohrman gives us insight into what it truly means to be a teacher.
If you enjoyed this video, please visit to watch more.Ramban on Ki Tisa - The Holy Half Shekel
Rabbi Ezra Bick | 24 דקותWhat is the "Holy Shekel" mentioned by the Torah? Is it a known monetary unit, or has Moshe invented it? If it is known, why is it described, and if it is new, why is it not clarified? What is "holy" about the half-shekel? Is the shekel intrinsically holy, or does the holiness refer to its potential to be elevated to a holy status?
Parshat Naso - The Nazir and the Book of Bamidbar
Rabbi Chanoch Waxman | 38 דקותWe will be looking at the Nazirite vow. Crucial to our investigation is the context – what is this voluntary vow doing here, when the Kohen is at the centerpiece of most of the other chapters of Parashat Nasso? And why is the Nazir commanded to bring a sin offering at the end of his Nazir period? What sin has he committed?
We note parallels between the Nazir status and the Kohen Gadol, and contrast the intrinsic holiness of the Kohen with the voluntary holiness of the Nazir. In the optional Nazirite vow is a solution to any misconception about Bnei Yisrael being stuck outside, away from the holiness of the Mishkan. Through the nazirite vow, holiness is accessible to all of Bnei Yisrael , even as Bemidbar describes a social, political, and religious hierarchy.
Parashat Naso emphasizes the unique holiness of every member of Bnei Yisrael, correcting any misconception to the contrary. It reminds us that everyone can achieve a status equivalent to the Kohen Gadol.