נמצאו 3 תוצאות חיפוש
The Family of Elimelekh: The Good, the Bad and the Sinful
Dr. Yael ZieglerElimelekh’s family descends to Moab, and the quick deterioration until the death of Mahalon and Kilyon raises the question whether this is the punishment to a sin. We will raise a number of possibilities regarding the sin of the family: abandoning the land; greediness; marrying foreign women; and following the ways of the Moabites.
What's in a Name?
Dr. Yael ZieglerNames of biblical characters are often an integral part of the story. This lesson will explore the meaning of names in the Book of Ruth: Elimelekh, Mahalon, and Kilyon, Naomi and Ruth.
Perpetuating the Name: The Levirate Marriage
Dr. Yael ZieglerWhile no legal link exists, Boaz links the buying of the land to the marriage of Ruth in order to maintain the name of the deceased – by producing a child who will inherit the land. The end of the book of Judges is full of nameless characters. Boaz maintaining names sends the Nation to its Davidic destiny.