The Land of Canaan
נמצאו 8 תוצאות חיפוש
"Do not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites..."
Sharón RimónWhy does the Torah describe the purchase of the Cave at Makhpela in such great detail? Who is a wife worthy of Yitzchak? Why does Avraham object to his son marrying Canaanite women? And why does he insist on Yitzchak marrying a woman from the land of his birth, when God had instructed him to disengage from their culture? These questions are explored in light of the obvious danger: that the potential wife found in Haran will not want to come to Canaan, while Yitzchak cannot leave the land. Will Avraham be willing to forgo one of these two values?
"Do Not Take a Wife from the Daughters of the Canaanites"
Rabbi Dr. Tamir GranotThe story about finding a wife for Yitzchak seems simple, but the Torah describes it in great length, both in a detailed description of the events and in lengthy monologues. What can we learn from the long repetition? Why does Avraham want his son to marry a woman from Haran, and not from Canaan?
Why are There Stories in the Torah?
Dr. Baruch Alsterתאריך פרסום: תשע"ה | |
Rashi's first comment on the Torah famously asks why the Torah begins with creation and not with the mitzvot. In essence, he is dealing with the question of the Torah's genre - is it a history book or a legal text? This question is dealt with by other parshanim as well. In this lesson, we will compare three approaches - those of Rashi, Rashbam, and Ramban. We will see that each of the later parshanim saw the question as a dichotomy - the Torah is either law or narrative, while Rashi's view is more complex.
Why is Avraham Commanded to Continue What he had Started?
Rabbi David SilverbergMidrashic Canaan and Avraham's Response
Rabbi David SilverbergEretz Yisrael in Tanakh and Jewish Thought
Rabbi Chaim NavonDoes the Tanakh portray the Land of Israel as a homeland, or as a place of exile? What type of qualities are unique and special about the Land? Are the geographical and natural features a source of abundant blessing or of vulnerability and dependence upon God? What is meant by the various biblical descriptions of the Land as the place of the Divine Presence? We examine the role of the Land of Israel throughout Tanakh, and explore perspectives of midrashim and Jewish philosophers and scholars. Some of the responses may be surprising.
Eikev: Rainfall, Risk, and Introspection
Rabbi David SilverbergDeena in Shekhem - Reassessing the Tragic Events of Bereishit 34
Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalomתאריך פרסום: 2022 | | שעה ו- 6 דקות
We already know how the stories of Tanach are going to end, and we can’t read them without assuming we understand the narratives we've been taught. When it comes to the story of Deena in Shekhem, we assume it's about rape and abduction. However, If we actually read the text thoroughly, without any preconceptions, we can find a completely different story, one where Deena and Shekhem form a loving relationship and Beni Yaakov unintentionally cause the delay of settling the land.
לרפואה שלמה מרדכי דניאל בן יהודית חיה
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