נמצאו 4 תוצאות חיפוש
The Drama of Rachav
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtensteinתאריך פרסום: תשע"ב | |
Who is Rahav? Why does she help the Israelite spies? And why is it is necessary to mention her occupation? Our assumption is that the information is necessary for the story, and that more than merely explaining military techniques, we can learn something deeper about the human interaction between Rahav and the spies. Haza”l’s comments on Rahav’s background and our close reading of chapter 2 in the book of Yehoshua help us to discover how she may have come to be who she was at the critical moment where we meet her in the Biblical text. Our analysis of Rahav’s personality and her interaction with the spies leads us to explore topics such as societal alienation, corruption and contrasting values, and other biblical female models of self-sacrifice.
The Blessing, the King and the Torah of Moshe (Audio)
Vezot HaBerakha
Rabbi Chanoch Waxman | 24 דקותWhat is the purpose behind the content and imagery of Moshe's last song to his people? Allusions to Sinai and comparisons to the Yaakov's blessings and to the Song of Haazinu provide hints to the meaning embedded in this farewell song. VeZot HaBerakha presents an idyllic vision of strength, loyalty and prosperity -a positive alternative to the dire warning scenario of Haazinu.
Yehuda's Plea and Its Audiences (Audio)
Rabbi Chanoch Waxman | 23 דקותYehuda’s plea to the second-in-command of Egypt is reminiscent of Abraham’s prayer for justice. The tripartite structure of Yehuda’s plea includes appeals to mercy and to justice. But there is a third part which does not seem to belong - a spontaneous outburst about his father. What does this surprising addition reveal?
Tzafnat Pane'ach- The Prince of Egypt
Rabbi Yair Kahnתאריך פרסום: תשסט | | 57 דקות
The story of Yosef is a religious story as well as a human one. It impacts both on the unfolding of Jewish history as well as the realization of Jewish destiny, and contains ethical dilemmas as well as Divine messages. In this shiur, Rabbi Yair Kahn explores the problem of dual loyalty which Yosef faces in Egypt - loyalty to the Egyptians on one hand, and loyalty to his brothers on the other. By exploring this story from a purely human perspective, we can apply its dilemmas and messages to Am Yisrael today as well.