Nahal Krit
נמצאו 3 תוצאות חיפוש
The Drought (part 3)
Eliyahu's Experiences During the Drought: ֠For What Purpose Are They Recorded?
Rabbi Elchanan SametThe first verse of Chapter 17 begins the three years of drought and the first verse of Chapter 18 begins the end of the drought. From Chapter 18 one can deduce various results of the famine. However, Chapter 17 describes three separate stories involving Eliyahu during that drought, which, aside from their chronological link with the drought, raise many questions as to their placement in this chapter.
The Drought (part 4)
Wadi Kerit
Rabbi Elchanan SametWhile God has fulfilled Eliyahu’s decree of drought, God’s choice of words to Eliyahu, the name of the location to which he is sent, and the fact that he is feeds him through ravens - a symbol of cruelty - imply a hidden message. The year-long stay at Nahal Kerit conceals a rebuke aimed at the prophet: Eliyahu’s decision to withhold rain brings suffering upon his people, and he fails to sense their distress. The Divine command therefore forces him to leave them, and live in seclusion, an expression of his lack of involvement in their fate.
Eliyahu on His Way to Appear Before Ahav
Part 4
Rabbi Elchanan SametWhy does the text eternalize Ovadyahu's mistake and record his speech in such detail? Ovadyahu's emotional speech is a condemnation of Eliyahu and his approach. It expresses how Eliyahu was perceived by the righteous people of his generation. The parallels that exist between Ovadya’s speech and Eliyahu’s experiences during the drought magnify the destructiveness of Eliyahu’s decree. Eliyahu has chosen the path conflict followed by cutting off contact. Ovadyahu has chosen precisely the opposite path: a path of brave cooperation with the wicked king in an attempt to influence from the inside.