Nazir and Kohen
נמצאו 5 תוצאות חיפוש
Why Are the Laws of the Nazir and the Sota Juxtaposed?
Rabbi Amnon BazakWhy did the Torah position the episodes of Nazir and Sotah in proximity to the sanctification of the Levites? Apparently the Torah wishes to compare the sanctity of the Nazir to that of the Levites, indicating that anyone can achieve sanctity similar to that of the priests. The Sotah, on the other hand, is contrasted with the Nazir. This contrast is highlighted by details such as the prohibition to cut the Nazir’s hair, the commandment to cut the hair of the High Priest, and the letting down of the Soah’s hair. The hair is a Nezer – a crown – and the attitude toward this ornament changes based on the relative sanctity of the individual.
The Birth of Shimshon the Nazirite
Rabbi Michael HattinOnce again, in the Book's final gasp, the sorry cycle of Israelite treachery and Divine counter-wrath is stated, but this time the oppressors have a new identity. Gone are the Canaanites, Moavites, Midianites and Ammonites of earlier cycles, now replaced by a foe far more menacing and more fierce: the Philistines.
The character of Shimshon is introduced as a Nazir from birth which demands an in depth investigation of the laws of the Nazir.
Parshat Naso - The Nazir and the Book of Bamidbar
Rabbi Chanoch Waxman | 38 דקותWe will be looking at the Nazirite vow. Crucial to our investigation is the context – what is this voluntary vow doing here, when the Kohen is at the centerpiece of most of the other chapters of Parashat Nasso? And why is the Nazir commanded to bring a sin offering at the end of his Nazir period? What sin has he committed?
We note parallels between the Nazir status and the Kohen Gadol, and contrast the intrinsic holiness of the Kohen with the voluntary holiness of the Nazir. In the optional Nazirite vow is a solution to any misconception about Bnei Yisrael being stuck outside, away from the holiness of the Mishkan. Through the nazirite vow, holiness is accessible to all of Bnei Yisrael , even as Bemidbar describes a social, political, and religious hierarchy.
Parashat Naso emphasizes the unique holiness of every member of Bnei Yisrael, correcting any misconception to the contrary. It reminds us that everyone can achieve a status equivalent to the Kohen Gadol.
Parshat Naso Part 4: Sota and Nazir
Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell | 25 דקותThis podcast concludes the topic of sota with the discussion of the outcome of the bitter water test. We then begin to discuss the topic of Nazir and the prohibitions which accompany this vow.
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Parshat Naso Part 5: Nazir: Saint or Sinner?
Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell | 25 דקותThis podcast continues with the topic of a nazir and a comparison between the nazir and the kohen, as well as a discussion of the nazir within the broader context of Sefer Bemidbar.
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