שלום אורח |
The Pillars
נמצאו 1 תוצאות חיפוש
The Mishkan and the Mikdash
Haftarot: Vayak'hel
Rabbi Mosheh LichtensteinThis haftara discusses the building of the Temple. Comparing the haftara with the parasha highlights the differences between the Mishkan and the Mikdash. The walls of the Mishkan envelop the keilim, while in the Mikdash the structure seems to be the essence. The building itself seems to emanate symbolism and spiritual meaning. The Mishkan transmits simplicity and intimacy, while the Mikdash emanates power and grandeur. The Mishkan is internal, and focused on Am Yisrael. The Mikdash is focused outwardly, on the entire world and all the nations.