Redemption and Atonement

נמצאו 4 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. "O You Afflicted, Tossed with Tempest, Not Comforted"

    Haftarot: Re'eh

    Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein

    The haftara focuses on material consolation, previously ignored in chapters offering comfort to the exiled nation. While previous prophecies emphasized that redemption is based on the connection between God and Israel, but never conditioned on Israel's actions, this haftara introduces a new principle - redemption through repentance; when man mends his ways he will be redeemed.

  2. "I will surely have mercy on him"

    Haftarot: The Second Day of Rosh Hashana

    Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein

    On the first day of Rosh Hashana we read of the desired model - inscription for good life by virtue of man's righteousness. However, not everyone merits; therefore, on the second day of Rosh Hashana the haftara emphasizes inscription for a good and peaceful life even if a person is unworthy.  The haftara for the first day teaches us what meritorious conduct is; the haftara for the second day offers us the consolation that even if we lack that conduct, God will treat us graciously and with compassion.

  3. The Abarbanel's Commentary to the Story of the Exodus

    Dr. Avigail Rock

    תאריך פרסום: תשע"ג | |

    In this shiur, we take a look at Abarbanel's commentary to the Exodus and to other stories of geula - redemption. We begin by detailing Abarbanel's background and perspective, and then delve into aspects of his unique commentary. How does his fascinating background and worldview permeate his writings?

  4. Are We Waiting for Mashiach or is He Waiting for Us? Two Models of Redemption

    Rabbi Alex Israel | שעה ו- 6 דקות

    Sefer Vayikra and Devarim offer two variant paradigms of Redemption. We shall apply these to the Egyptian Exile, and to the exiles that followed, and relate to our current state of play; are we currently in Exile or Redemption?