Sacrifice for Kappara

נמצאו 3 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. "I Have Formed You; You Are My Servant"

    Haftarot: Vayikra

    Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein

    The prophet describes the relationship between God and Am Yisrael in terms of a servant and master. Sacrifices are therefore necessary to enable the servant to stand before his master. The reason behind the redemption in the haftara is God's responsibility toward the nation as a master, who is obligated to care for his servants. The haftara ends with the prophet mocking idolaters who create their statues, and emphasizes God's role as a creator.

  2. How Can We Relate To Sacrifices Today?

    Rabbi David Fohrman |

    Today, sacrifices seem so alien, how can we connect to the myriad of details associated with animal sacrifice? In this video, Rabbi Fohrman goes deeper into explaining the three main categories of sacrifice and how they create three frameworks of connection with God. Want to see more videos like this? Check out

  3. What is the Difference between Purity and Atonement?

    Rabbi Dr. Yehuda Brandes