Tum'at Yoledet

נמצאו 5 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. Childbirth - Tum'a and Circumcision on the Eighth Day

    Rabbi Elchanan Samet

    This article examines the placement of the laws of the birthing mother (Yoledet), the reason that circumcision is on the eighth day, and the relationship between the two sets of law.

  2. The Impurity of the Birthing Mother and Her Offering

    Rabbanit Sharon Rimon

    Why is a birthing mother required to bring a sin offering? Many commentators have attempted to answer this question. Some claim that it is an atonement for a particular sin - personal or universal, while others suggest that the sin offering is meant as a purification process from impurity. 

  3. The Sequence of the Tzara'at Laws

    Rabbi Elchanan Samet

    There are two perspectives from which one can gain an understanding of the laws of tum'a and tahara. By exploring the order of the parshiot dealing with these laws from a more general perspective, and then more specifically by examining the structure of every individual parsha.  

  4. The Reasons Behind Tzara'at and Other Forms of Tum'a

    Rabbi Elchanan Samet

    What can we learn from the structure of the verses detailing the laws of tzara'at? What is tzara'at? What is the significance of the tum'a of tzara'at? We can attempt to answer these questions utilizing an exploration of the general significance of all the tum'ot in the Torah as a basis for discussing the tum'a of tzara'at specifically.

  5. What is the Difference between Purity and Atonement?

    Rabbi Dr. Yehuda Brandes