Jesse Salem

נמצאו 24 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. Yehoshua Perek 1

    Jesse Salem | 19 דקות

    An overview of Yehoshua Perek 1: God’s words to Yehoshua, strengthening him as he begins his new role. Yehoshua commands his appointed officials to prepare the nation to cross the Jordan river into the Land of Israel. Through a close exploration of the text we can notice the similarities with the end of Sefer Devarim. 


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  2. Yehoshua Perek 2

    Jesse Salem | 21 דקות

    This lecture provides an overview of Yehoshua Perek 2, which describes Yehoshua sending spies to Yericho, and also deals with the contrast between Yehoshua's spies and Moshe's spies in Sefer Bamidbar. 


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  3. Yehoshua Perek 3

    Jesse Salem | 17 דקות

    This lecture provides an overview of Yehoshua Perek 3, describing Yehoshua’s preparation to cross into Israel and the famous miracle of the splitting of the Jordan river. 


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  4. Yehoshua Perek 4

    Jesse Salem | 23 דקות

    Yehoshua Perek 4 describes the end of the crossing of the Jordan river and the first monument that bnei yisrael built in Eretz Yisrael. 


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  5. Yehoshua Perek 5

    Jesse Salem | 21 דקות

    Yehoshua Perek 5 describes two important mitzvot performed by bnei yisrael immediately after entering Eretz Yisrael- brit mila and Pesach. 


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  6. Yehoshua Perek 6

    Jesse Salem | 24 דקות

    Yehoshua Perek 6 describes the miraculous conquest of Yericho and the saving of Rahav and her family. 


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  7. Yehoshua Perek 7

    Jesse Salem | 20 דקות

    Yehoshua Perek 7 describes Bnei Yisrael’s failure at the battle with Ai, which came as a result of Achan’s sin following the conquest of Yericho. God explains to Bnei Yisrael what the nature of the sin was and how they may rectify the situation. 


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  8. Yehoshua Perek 8

    Jesse Salem | 31 דקות

    Yehoshua perek 8 describes the second attempt at capturing the city of Ai, and the ceremony of the blessings and curses on the mountains of Gerizim and Eval as commanded by Moshe in Sefer Dvarim. 


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  9. Yehoshua Perek 9

    Jesse Salem | 21 דקות

    Perek 9 in Yehoshua describes the peace treaty between givonim and Yisrael, made under false pretenses, and its resolution. 


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  10. Yehoshua Perek 10

    Jesse Salem | 29 דקות

    Yehoshua perek 10 describes the attack on Givon by the nations of the south. Yehoshua comes to their rescue and conquers the attacking nations. 


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  11. Yehoshua Perek 11

    Jesse Salem | 19 דקות

    Yehoshua perek 11 describes the conquest of the northern kingdoms and Yehoshua’s removal of the anakim from Eretz Yisrael. 


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  12. Yehoshua Perek 12

    Jesse Salem | 21 דקות

    Yehoshua perek 12 begins with a recap of Moshe’s conquest of the eastern side of the Jordan, and then continues with a summary of Yehoshua’s conquest of the western side of the Jordan, concluding with a list of the 31 kings he defeated. 


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  13. Yehoshua Perek 13

    Jesse Salem | 25 דקות

    Yehoshua Perek 13 begins with a list of the unconquered lands of Eretz Yisrael, and continues with a recap of Moshe’s division of the land on the eastern side of the Jordan (Arvot Moav) to the tribes of Reuven, Gad, and half of Menashe. 


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  14. Yehoshua Perek 14

    Jesse Salem | 20 דקות

    Yehoshua Perek 14 introduces the chapters of the division of the land of Eretz Yisrael among the tribes.      


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  15. Yehoshua Perek 15

    Jesse Salem | 31 דקות

    Yehoshua Perek 15 presents a description of the borders of the tribe of Yehuda, Kalev’s property that he received from Yehoshua, and a list of all of Yehuda’s cities. 


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  16. Yehoshua Perek 16

    Jesse Salem | 7 דקות

    Yehoshua Perek 16 describes the territory division of the tribe of Ephraim. 


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  17. Yehoshua Perek 17

    Jesse Salem | 16 דקות

    Yehoshua Perek 17 describes the portion of land for the tribe of Menashe, and Bnei Yosef’s request for an extra portion of land. 


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  18. Yehoshua Perek 18

    Jesse Salem | 18 דקות

    Yehoshua chapter 18 describes the division of the land into the tribe of Binyamin’s portion. 


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  19. Yehoshua Perek 19

    Jesse Salem | 26 דקות

    Yehoshua Perek 19 describes the division of the land into portions for the tribes of Shimon, Zevulun, Yisachar, Asher, Naftali, and Dan.  


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  20. Yehoshua Perek 20

    Jesse Salem | 12 דקות

    Yehoshua Perek 20 describes the appointment of the cities of refuge to the Leviim. The Leviim receive a total of 48 cities, 6 of which are cities of refuge. 


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  21. Yehoshua Perek 21

    Jesse Salem | 24 דקות

    Yehoshua perek 21 describes the Leviim’s 48 cities, which are dispersed throughout the tribes’ land portions. 


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  22. Yehoshua Perek 22

    Jesse Salem | 27 דקות

    Yehoshua perek 22 describes the return of the tribes of Reuven, Gad, and half of Menashe to their families on the Eastern side of the Jordan, and the building of the altar in Glilot Hayarden, along with the controversy it sparked. 


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  23. Yehoshua Perek 23

    Jesse Salem | 12 דקות

    The end of the sefer describes Yehoshua’s gathering of Bnei Yisrael in order to speak with them before he dies. Perek 23 contains the first speech, in which Yehoshua reiterates the importance of keeping the Torah and clinging to God.


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  24. Yehoshua Perek 24

    Jesse Salem | 26 דקות

    Perek 24 describes Yehoshua’s second and final address to the nation, consisting of the reaffirmation of the covenant between Bnei Yisrael and God. 


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