Dr. Adina Sternberg

Found 8 Search results

  1. David's Division of the Spoils of War

    Dr. Adina Sternberg

    תאריך פרסום: תשע"ב | |

    This shiur looks at David’s divisions of the spoils after the war to retrieve the captives taken by Amalek. But wasn't Amalek supposed to be destroyed by Shaul? As we analyze this story, we notice that David is strikingly different from Shaul. We survey the stories of Shaul and examine what characterizes these differences. Returning to the division of the spoils, we uncover what is behind those who disagree with David. We find religious as well as moral-societal perspectives, and compare these various approaches with the one found in the deal between Avraham and the King of Sedom.

  2. Why Didn't God Accept Kain's Sacrifice?

    Dr. Adina Sternberg

    תאריך פרסום: תשע"ה | | Hour and 2 minutes

    Cain is known for committing the first murder, but before his crime, the Torah makes it look like he also brought the first sacrifice. What was wrong with his korban? Why did God accept the offering of his brother Hevel, but not that of Cain?  Why doesn't Cain get credit at least for ingenuity?  We will attempt to answer these questions through a close reading of the Hebrew text and an analysis of the theological meanings of the different gifts one might give to God.

    This shiur delves into ideas about what korbanot are, the good and bad aspects of being a shepherd or working the land, and the meaning of ma’aser (tithing) as representing a partnership. In light of the above, the text is re-examined, assumptions are rejected, and penetrating insights emerge about Cain, Hevel, and the mindset behind Cain and Hevel in their acts of offering to God.


  3. Why Did the Sages Compare Chana to a Sotah Woman?

    Dr. Adina Sternberg | Hour and 8 minutes

    How is Chana's story portrayed in midrashic literature, and what can we learn from this portrayal? A close reading of the text of the story reveals how the sages came to their surprising interpretations, and teaches us how to view the goals and purposes of midrashim.  

  4. Who's Who in Shir Hashirim

    Dr. Adina Sternberg

    תאריך פרסום: תשעד | |

    We look at some of the background and theories about Shir HaShirim and see how they can be applied in the text. Why is Shir HaShirim part of Tanakh?Most, though not all, opinions among Hazal view Shir HaShirim as allegorical. We seek to understand the pshat and offer varying perspectives about the allegory - many describe the "ra'aya" as representing Israel and the "dod" as representing God, but there is also a view that the "ra'aya" represents God and that the "dod" represents Israel. We explore the symbolism, and powerful message of commitment found in this perspective.


  5. The Moral of Yehoshua's Encounter with the Angel

    Dr. Adina Sternberg | Hour and 2 minutes

    What is the deeper messages that emerge from the story of Yehoshua’s encounter with the angel? Through an in-depth exploration of the text and classical commentaries, we gain a deeper understanding of the story, and a greater understanding of Divine promises and reliance on God. We also learn how to analyze Tanakh texts in general by exploring their greater contexts and literary illusions to other Tanakh texts in order to uncover deeper messages. 

  6. Yechezkel's Contribution to the Redemption

    Dr. Adina Sternberg | Hour and 10 minutes

    A comparison between Judah's exile and redemption and Israel's exile, seemingly without redemption, raises the question what affected the change in outcome. We will deal with a few of Yechezkel's tactics and issues that he addresses, to try to suggest part of the answer.


  7. El precio de la humildad

    Dr. Adina Sternberg

  8. From Bnei Yaakov to Ezra – Tanakh’s views of Intermarriage

    Dr. Adina Sternberg

    תאריך פרסום: 2023 | |

    The lecture deals with the question of intermarriage throughout the Tanach - from the question of who the sons of Jacob married to the heated argument of the times of Ezra.