Perek 11 concludes Yehezkel's prophetc journey to Jerusalem. Two frequent expressions of the people of Jerusalem are quoted in this perek. The first (1-13) expresses the pride of the inhabitants of Jerusalem and their confidence in the fact that the Temple would not be destroyed. The second (14-21) expresses their feelings of superiority over the exiles in Babylonia. In His words, God refutes these two positions and the false theological thinking upon which they are based.

In perek 12, with the conclusion of his prophetic journey, Yehezkel returns to Babylonia and is commanded to perform two symbolic acts before the exiles. The first act (1-16) symbolizes going into exile. The second act symbolizes the concern and waste that will prevail in the land.  

Courtesy of Matan Al HaPerek, Directed by Dr. Navah Cohen