Perek 30 includes two prophecies about the destruction of Egypt. The first prophecy (1-19) is of a general nature and deals with the "day of the Lord" in which God will destroy all of Egypt and its allies. The second prophecy (20-26) is more focused and speaks of the destruction of Egypt by the Babylonians. The main imagery in this prophecy is the image of the "arm" - the breaking of Pharaoh's arm as contrasted with the strengthening of the arm of the king of Babylonia.
In perek 31 the prophet compares the fate of the Assyrian superpower, which had disintegrated about 100 years earlier, to the expected fate of the Egyptian superpower. The prophecy consists of a frame narrative (2,18) which speaks about Egypt and an enclosed narrative which describes the fate of Assyria as a precedent to the fate of Egypt, using an allegory based on the description of the Garden of Eden in Bereishit 2.
Courtesy of Matan Al HaPerek, Directed by Dr. Navah Cohen