Perakim 13 and 14 continue the succession of prophecies about the End of Days. Perek 13 includes two short prophecies about the End of Days: the vision of eradicating the pagan gods and prophets (2-6), and the vision of the purification and refining of the nation, which climaxes in the renewal of the covenant between God and His nation (7-9).
Perek 14: The succession of End of Days prophecies in our book ends with a long and lofty prophecy which describes in detail the war of the End of Days. This prophecy is similar to the prophecy in perek 12. However, while the prophecy in perek 12 dealt with the fate of Jerusalem and Judah, our prophecy expands the perspective to the whole world. The prophecy opens with a description of the gathering for the war and the conquest of Jerusalem (1-2), followed by the appearance of God to go to war with the enemy (3-5). In the end, the transition from dark to light symbolizes the hope which will come after the war (6-9). Unlike Jerusalem which will be secure, the nations will be plagued (12-15). In the second half of the prophecy the prophet describes the kingdom of God over the land which will come after the war (16-21).
Courtesy of Matan Al HaPerek, Directed by Dr. Navah Cohen