The first unit in perek 9 includes a prophecy about the cities of the enemy to the North (1-8). At the center of the perek we find a wonderful and unique vision of the future arrival of the king to Jerusalem, bringing peace to the entire world (9-10). The perek ends with the redemption of the nation and the ingathering of the exiles, and tells of the blessing and prosperity which will come to Israel (11-17).
Perek 10 begins with the nation crying out to ask for rain from God, and not from the pagan gods (1-2). The bulk of the chapter is devoted to a prophecy of the victory of the house of Yehuda and the house of Yosef, which are compared to a war horse which defeats its enemies (3-7). In the last section (8-12) the ingathering of the exiles and the defeat of the superpowers, Assyria and Egypt, are described.
Courtesy of Matan Al HaPerek, Directed by Dr. Navah Cohen