Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom
In this lesson, we will analyze the rhetorical style of the Oracles to the Nations at the beginning of Amos, specifically the opening formula of each. ...
Dr. Yael Ziegler
Source: ; ;
The reign of Ashurbanipal, the last powerful king of the mighty Assyrian Empire, marked both the pinnacle of the Assyrian Empire’s power and the beginning...
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
Was Jacob right to take Esau’s blessing in disguise? Was he right to deceive his father and to take from his brother the blessing Isaac sought to give him...
Rabbi Gad Eldad
Source: ; ;
In Parashat Toldot, we encounter for the third time one of the patriarchs wishing to settle in a new place - where he introduces his wife as his sister,...
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
Why did Yitzchak love Esav over Yaakov ? Did he not know about Rivkah’s oracle? Did he not know that Esau was wild and impetuous? Can we really take...
Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom
In this chapter, we will introduce Amos’s famous prophecies against the surrounding nations, which make up the first twenty verses and comprise a “set-up...
Dr. Yael Ziegler
Source: ; ; ; ; ; ;
The extraordinary deliverance of Jerusalem from the Assyrian army forms an important historical backdrop to the book of Eikha. An episode that began as an...
Rabbi Gad Eldad
When Avraham seeks to purchase the Cave of Makhpela as a burial plot for Sarah, Efron, one of the sons of Chet, offers it to Avraham for free. Avraham...
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
For a variety of reasons, neither Abraham nor Sarah had an easy life. Theirs were lives of trial, in which their faith was tested at many points. How can...
Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom
This chapter will present the historic background of Amos’s prophecies, along with a brief biographic sketch of the prophet. We will then look at the...