Rabbi Yehuda Shaviv
The way in which the Torah divides the discussion about Sukkot is somewhat surprising: part of it is included in the portion dealing with the festivals,...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
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We find in the Torah two distinct calendar systems. On the one hand, the Torah explicitly establishes that the year begins with the month of Nissan: "...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
Through an analysis of the texts pertaining to the festivals, we can uncover the nature of Shemini Atzeret, the significance of Simchat Torah, and the...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
Source: ;
If we compare the way in which the festivals in the month of Tishrei are treated by the Torah and by Chazal, we arrive at an interesting observation: the...
Rabbi Dr. Yoel Bin Nun
Article Length: 5 Pages
Parashat Vezot Haberakha is Moshe’s farewell to the Jewish People. In Devarim 33, he invokes God, then blesses each tribe or pair of tribes in turn, then...
Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira
These perakim describe Gidon’s war against the Midianites, the participation of the various tribes in the war, and the relationship Gidon has with them....
Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira
In perek 5 we read one of the longest poetic sections of Tanach: The Song of Devorah. This “song” provides us with additional perspectives on the battle...
Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira
These perakim detail the events Am Yisrael experience during the period of the first three judges. We will examine the overarching characteristics of this...
Rabbi Dr. Yoel Bin Nun
Source: ;
Seemingly, there should be no such day as Yom Kippur. How can there possibly be any rectification of sins committed intentionally? Repentance certainly...
Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira
The book of Shoftim opens with a description of events from the days of Yehoshua told from a new perspective. The people of Israel must now transform...