Dr. Brachi Elitzur
Within this overall narrative, we find some episodes that appear, at first glance, to be of marginal importance, and their contribution to the advancement...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan
This article examines the agreement about the division of the sheep that followed the last six years of Yaakov's working for Lavan. According to the...
Rabbi Shimon Klein
Source: ; ; ;
In this shiur, we will attempt to understand the nature of the place where Yaakov rests in the course of fleeing from Esav – Beit El, the House of God –...
Dr. Brachi Elitzur
Yaakov's request of God as he is about to leave Eretz Yisrael may point to the main challenge that he faces, and his success will serve as a model for...
Rabbi Yair Kahn
Upon reaching old age, Yitzchak decides to bless his first born and favorite son – Esav. Rivka overhears the plan and concocts a plot to “steal” the ...
Rabbi Shimon Klein
At the beginning of Parashat Toldot, Yitzchak is referred to as “Yitzchak, son of Avraham,” but the text then goes on to note, “Avraham begot Yitzchak.”...
Dr. Brachi Elitzur
At the center of our parasha is the story of how Yaakov obtains the blessings meant for Esav, his brother. In the midrashim that serve as background to...
Rabbi Yair Kahn
Upon glancing at Parashat Chayei Sara, one notices that the account of Avraham’s servant (identified by Chazal as Eliezer) and his quest for a bride for...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan
This article examines the parallels between the story of Lot and the Exodus from Egypt. What does Pesach, which will eventually be given to Israel alone,...
Rabbi Shimon Klein
In Parshat Lech Lecha, Avraham leaves the life circles in which he is ensconced and emerges to adopt a position that observes it all from on high, from a...