Dr. Yael Ziegler
The narrator has achieved his aim, and Jerusalem at last resumes her speech. Tears are absent and the tone of her response is more outrage than...
Dr. Yael Ziegler
Having completed his panoramic exploration of those who stand outside of Jerusalem, the narrator’s attention finally rests on God, the actual architect of...
Dr. Yael Ziegler
As Jerusalem persists in her muteness, the narrator fills the silence by peering outward, scrutinizing the surroundings for reactions to Jerusalem’s...
Dr. Yael Ziegler
The narrator steps in to fill the hollow chasm carved out by Jerusalem’s silence. Speaking directly to Jerusalem, the narrator presents a series of...
Dr. Yael Ziegler
The second part of this chapter shifts noticeably from an objective, detached third-person description of a ravaged city to a first-person description of...
Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom
Before Amos launches into the devastating punishment awaiting the Kingdom of Israel, we find a verse of ambiguous meaning. In this shiur, we strive to...
Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom
In this shiur, we examine a single verse from Amos's oracle to Israel, which talks about the nevi'im and nezirim God raised up. Who are these prophets and...
Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom
As we continue to look at the hymn of praise in the oracle against Israel, we wonder: What does this tell us about the purpose of the Exodus? When does...
Dr. Yael Ziegler
After eight active verses of destruction, God begins to recede into the background. The physical city has been obliterated, Jerusalem’s gates sunk deeply...
Dr. Yael Ziegler
Jerusalem’s destruction does not result in her demise, nor does it return her to her natural state as an inanimate city of stones and material, lacking...