
Total Number of articles: 1579
Rabbi Michael Hattin Source:
The tenth chapter of Sefer Shoftim, occurring about midway through the book, is transitional in character. After the death of Avimelekh, the book records ...
Rabbi Michael Hattin Source:
Yotam, in his parable comparing Avimelekh to an Atad is stating that Avimelekh lacks any of the constructive and useful qualifications to become a good...
Rabbi Michael Hattin Source:
If Israel prevails against Midian by sheer force of their numbers, then they will fail to recognize God's pivotal role.  But if Israel prevails against...
Rabbi Michael Hattin Source:
Gideon's attempt to evade the mission given to him by the angel of God is reminiscent of Moshe's conduct at the Sneh. Gideon's unexpected appointment as...
Rabbi Michael Hattin Source:
The appearance of the prophet to the nation in chapter 6, which is reminescent of the appearance of the angel to the nation in Bokhim in chapter 2,...
Rabbi Michael Hattin Source: ;
The failure of the Book of Shoftim to mention any flaws concerning the first four judges - Otniel, Ehud, Shamgar and Devorah - should  be taken as an...
Rabbi Michael Hattin Source:
This episode furnishes us with a mother - Devorah - and a wife - Yael - securing victory for a rag-tag army of irregulars over an army with nine hundred...
Part 2
Rabbi Michael Hattin Source:
Although the text of Chapter 4 makes no mention of any unusual precipitation, and is content to simply describe the victory as a generic intervention of...
Rabbi Michael Hattin Source:
A careful and precise read of the text reconciles the apparent contradiction between the Biblical account regarding Hatzor and the archaeological evidence...
