Rabbi Alex Israel
By sending messengers to Ba'al Zevuv, the god Ekron, Ahazya has outdown his father. Turning to the surrounding nations is a desecration of God's name....
Rabbi Alex Israel
Source: ;
The brief description of Yehoshafat in Kings I indicates that his perios was one of enormous prosperity and extensive political hegemony over the region...
Rabbi Alex Israel
While the 400 prophets in the narrative are not prophets of Ba'al, but speak in the name of God, they are nonetheless false prophets. The method in which...
Rabbi Alex Israel
There are two dimensions to Ahav's demise. On a personal level, Ahav is worse than all of his predecessors. However, the House of Omri, Ahav's royal...
Rabbi Alex Israel
Though it is completely clear from the beginning of the storyline that Ahav is legally powerless to commandeer Navot's vineyard - a significant statement...
Rabbi Alex Israel
In Ahav's second battle with Aram, God yet again intervenes in a miraculous manner as per the prophet's prediction. Ahav has Ben Haddad cornered, but...
Dr. Yael Ziegler
Ruth and Boaz's union is not a Levirate Marriage, but Levirate Marriages are alluded to many times and share a common theme to Boaz's redemption of Ruth....
Rabbi Alex Israel
Despite Eliyahu's response to the events in the aftermath of the showdown on Mt. Carmel, the evidence of the next few chapters would seem to show that the...