Rabbi Avi Baumol
Mizmor 94 – the Song of the Day for Wednesday – deals with revenge. The first section calls out to God to act in vengeance with a lengthy discussion of...
Rabbi Avi Baumol
The biography of Asaf – the author of Mizmor 82, The Song of the Day for Tuesday – is detailed. The Mizmor deals with the failings of the justice system...
Rabbi Avi Baumol
The first half of Mizmor 48 focuses exclusively on God and His protection of His holy city. The second half of the Mizmor calls on the Jewish Nation to...
Rabbi Avi Baumol
Both literal and figurative interpretations exist to the third section of Mizmor 24 that discusses the entrance of the King through the gates. The various...
Rabbi Avi Baumol
The middle section of Mizmor 24 describes a series of moral character traits that stress honestyand guiltlessness that are needed in the worship of God in...
Rabbi Avi Baumol
Mizmor 24, which is central to Jewish liturgy, can be divided into three sections that seem unconnected: a declaration that the world and its content...
Rabbi Avi Baumol
Mizmor 30 while mentioning the “Dedication of the House” actually refers to emotions, feelings, and movements of the soul. Complacency can cause our...
Rabbi Avi Baumol
Mizmor 27 relates the constant struggle between absolute faith in God and uncertainty due to enemies leaving the poet with a "single" multifaceted request...
Rabbi Avi Baumol
Mizmor 126 is said weekly at the Shabbat table before Birkhat Ha'Mazon. Three interpretations of this Mizmor are analyzed and evaluated: A historical...
Rabbi Avi Baumol
An introduction to the unit of the fifteen 'Songs of Ascent' in liturgy, history and spirituality.