Rabbi Avi Baumol
Mizmor 14 carries a complex, almost contradictory message. The first half of Mizmor 14 demands of the individuals to unite with the community at large,...
Rabbi Avi Baumol
Mizmor 13 begins in despair and ends in ecstasy. The Mizmor describes the feeling of despair and abandonment from God. Alternatively, the Mizmor is about...
Rabbi Avi Baumol
Rashi interprets Mizmor 12 which discusses the danger of words as a historical reference to David’s life. Radak, noting the lack of a personal plea,...
The Philosopher Poet - Evil: A View from the Outside
Rabbi Avi Baumol
Source: ;
Mizmor 10 is not a personal plea for salvation from the hands of enemies. Rather it is a lengthy description of the evils of the wicked and a cry out to...
David and His Multi-colored Message
Rabbi Avi Baumol
The ambiguity of the title of Mizmor 9 and the possible inconsistency between the title and the rest of the Mizmor are discussed. The possibility that...
The Definition of Man - A Poetic Paradox
Rabbi Avi Baumol
Mizmor 8 presents the paradox of man as insignificant versus man as the pinnacle of creation. The paradox exists in man’s perception of the surrounding...
Every Day is Judgement Day
Rabbi Avi Baumol
In Mizmor 7, David recognizes that man will sin and err in judgement. Upon reflection, man must recognize what he did, accept the ramifications of his...
Rabbi Avi Baumol
Mizmor 6 opens with the word “God” and addresses Him directly. The Mizmor describes great despair and perhaps depression due to a state of sin. David...
Rabbi Avi Baumol
Mizmor 5 is a “Morning” Mizmor – a time of hope, expectation and confidence. Evening, in contrast is a time of fear and uncertainty.
Rabbi Avi Baumol
Individual verses from Mizmor 4 are evaluated from the vantage point of the Midrash thereby giving insight into the Midrashic style of interpretations.