Yaakov's instructions
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Not Egypt!
Rabbi Alex Israel | 35 minutesYaakov is on his deathbed, and he wishes to give his final instructions for his burial. Why does he repeat his instructions, and why is the first set given to Yosef, without the other brothers present? Why does Yaakov act so deferential, and yet insists on Yosef swearing an oath to fulfill his wishes? The two sets of instructions serve two different important purposes: political expediency and transmission of identity and legacy.
Menasheh and Ephraim: Who Was Being Blessed?
Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalomתאריך פרסום: תשע"ה | |
This shiur analyzes Yaakov's vision and strategy through the lens of the penultimate blessing scene in Beresheet, drawing on parallels with other scenes of blessings or instructions involving the forefathers. Yaakov wants to create a symbiosis such that there are two counterbalancing forces within the family.
Yaakov Anticipating Esav's Questions: Why So Many Words?
Rabbi David Silverberg