Zekharya's Prophecies of Redemption
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Zechariah 9-10
Matan Al Haperek
Rabbi David SabatoThe first unit in perek 9 includes a prophecy about the cities of the enemy to the North (1-8). At the center of the perek we find a wonderful and unique vision of the future arrival of the king to Jerusalem, bringing peace to the entire world (9-10). The perek ends with the redemption of the nation and the ingathering of the exiles, and tells of the blessing and prosperity which will come to Israel (11-17).
Perek 10 begins with the nation crying out to ask for rain from God, and not from the pagan gods (1-2). The bulk of the chapter is devoted to a prophecy of the victory of the house of Yehuda and the house of Yosef, which are compared to a war horse which defeats its enemies (3-7). In the last section (8-12) the ingathering of the exiles and the defeat of the superpowers, Assyria and Egypt, are described.
“Ka-Arava”: Sukkot and Zechariah's Prophecy of Redemption
Prof. Yoel ElitzurWhat aspect of the festival of Sukkot pertains to the nation of Israel and its history? The verse, “I made the Israelite people live in booths” (Leviticus 23:43) does not really answer our question, as the verse does not refer to any particular date in the month of Tishrei, but rather to the overall experience of the nation of Israel.
The answer to the question is provided by the prophet Zechariah, in a prophecy that we read as the haftara on the first day of Sukkot.