Yaakov Struggles against the Angel

נמצאו 29 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. Ya'akov's Encounter with Esav and His Struggle with the Angel

    Rabbi Elchanan Samet

    Yaakov prepares extensively to meet with Esav, but there is a great contrast between the fear and trepidation that accompanies the preparations and what happens at the actual meeting. The struggle with the angel, which is at the very center of the story, is an integral part of the narrative; the purpose of the struggle is to explain the gap between the preparations and the actual meeting.

  2. The Vow and the Name Change

    Prof. Jonathan Grossman

    The fact that Yaakov's name was changed appears twice in the Torah. Why? What is the purpose of the repetition?

  3. Seeing God or Being Seen By God (Audio)

    Rabbi Elyakim Krumbein | 7 דקות

    Who is being seen during the Temple pilgrimage sacrifices—God or the members of Bnei Yisrael? The grammar and vocalization of the phrasing is strange and unclear. This tension is explored by examining momentous instances in Tanakh where there is a phrase relating to "seeing God's face"—such as the place of the Akeida and where Yaakov wrestles with the mysterious figure.

  4. Yaakov's Struggle and Confrontation

    Rabbi Chanoch Waxman | 35 דקות

    Yaakov is left alone and struggles with a mysterious figure. Why are they struggling and why does Yaakov insist on receiving a blessing from this stranger? What motivates Yaakov to meet Esav, and why does God insist on this meeting? Blessedness stems from struggles. The struggle, and the meeting with Esav, is a manifestation of Yaakov’s character transformation and of his sincere search for forgiveness.

  5. Seeing God or Being Seen By God

    Rabbi Elyakim Krumbein

    Who is being seen during the Temple pilgrimage sacrifices—God or the members of Bnei Yisrael? The grammar and vocalization of the phrasing is strange and unclear. This tension is explored by examining momentous instances in Tanakh where there is a phrase relating to "seeing God's face"—such as the place of the Akeida and where Yaakov wrestles with the mysterious figure.

  6. Yaakov Struggles

    Rabbi Alex Israel | 37 דקות

    Traditional explanations of Yaakov’s preparation for his meeting with Esav shows that Yaakov, who is terrified, is anticipating war. The subsequent meeting, however, is brotherly, even joyous, with no indication of obvious hostility. If Esav is so loving, why is Yaakov afraid? And what is the meaning of the mysterious fight in the night, which has semantic echoes in Yaakov’s daytime words to Esav? There seems to be evidence of a character transformation—but of whom?

  7. Gideon's Challenge

    Rabbi Michael Hattin

    Gideon's attempt to evade the mission given to him by the angel of God is reminiscent of Moshe's conduct at the Sneh. Gideon's unexpected appointment as leader of the people of Israel is not extended by God unconditionally.  He will first have to prove his fitness for the noble task by demonstrating fortitude and faith, by publicly proclaiming his opposition to the corrupt values and corrosive belief system then current among his own people. While Gideon successfully completes the task, he shows himself to have been insidiously infected by the penchant of Ba'al's adherents for seeking signs before proceeding to battle the enemy.

  8. "And Yaakov Was Left Alone"

    Rabbi Chanoch Waxman

    Yaakov is left alone and struggles with a mysterious figure. Why are they struggling and why does Yaakov insist on receiving a blessing from this stranger? What motivates Yaakov to meet Esav, and why does God insist on this meeting? Blessedness stems from struggles. The struggle, and the meeting with Esav, is a manifestation of Yaakov’s character transformation and of his sincere search for forgiveness.

  9. "Yaakov Remained Alone - and a Man Wrestled with him until Daybreak

    Rabbi David Fuchs

  10. Quietly Commemorating Overcoming a Challenge

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  11. Hoshea vs. Ovadya as the Haftara for Vayishlach

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  12. Yaakov and Yisrael: The Struggle with the Angel

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  13. Yaakov's Efforts and Preparations for Meeting Esav

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  14. Dust from the Struggle Rising to Heaven

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  15. The Struggle Persists

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  16. What is the Identity of the Angel Wrestling with Yaakov?

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  17. Yaakov's Fear and Struggle with the Angel

  18. Yaakov's Struggle and Persistence

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  19. Yaakov Struggles Against His Other Self

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  20. Yaakov's Amazement at the Divine Encounter

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  21. Yalkut Yehuda on Struggling with the Angel: Slowing Down

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  22. Yalkut Yehuda on Struggling with the Angel: Slowing Down

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  23. Yaakov's Amazement at the Divine Encounter

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  24. The Symbolism of the Gid HaNashe - Sciatic Nerve

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  25. Sunrise and Sunset for Yaakov

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  26. Yaakov's Struggle: Escape or Triumph

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  27. The Form of Yaakov's Assailant: Scholar or Idolator

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  28. Short Thoughts about Yaakov and the Angel

    Rabbi Ezra Bick | 10 דקות

    Parashat Vayishlach tells of Yaakov's struggle with a man all night - the famous struggle of Yaakov with the angel. At the end, the angel asks Yaakov to send him off because the dawn is breaking. What is the importance of the breaking dawn?  We take a deeper look at a related midrash about angels, which highlights the idea that everything has its moment and purpose.

  29. Ritual Non-Consumption

    Rabbanit Dr. Michal Tikochinsky