On Shavuot we commemorate Matan Torah and our receiving of the Ten Commandments. While most of us have a general idea as to the composition of this famous Decalogue, Tikun Leil Shavuot is a great opportunity to explore, in a little more depth, what each of these commandments entails. Are there really ten? How might the commandments be divided? Are there any discrepancies between the listing of the commandments in Shmot vs. in Dvarim? Below are some guiding questions to help you get started. For more in-depth study, please see these articles on the topic of the Ten Commandments.
To print a copy of the self study questions for Shavuot, download the attached printable copy.
Read the text of the Ten Commandments in Sefer Shmot - 20: 1-14.
- Ignoring the fact that these are called the 'TEN commandments', how many can you count? (how many positive commandments? How many negative commandments?)
- Is verse 2 an actual commandment? If so, how does one observe it? See Ramban on Shmot 20:2 and the סמ"ג, א.
- Could the verse be serving a different purpose? Ramban quotes the Mechilta. What could be a different way of understanding this verse?
- Verses 4-5 are traditionally viewed as one commandment. How many different commandments can you count within it?
- Pay attention to the paragraph breaks. Where do they appear? How many are there? What can they teach us about the divisions of the commandments?
- What is the reason written for observing Shabbat in Shmot vs. in the Ten Commandments listed in Dvarim 5:11? Why does this discrepancy exist? See Rambam's Moreh Nevuchim II:31
- One of the traditionally accepted divisions of the Ten Commandments is five on one side dealing with commandments between man and God, and the other between man and fellow man. Why is the commandment of honoring parents listed on the "between man and God" side? See Ramban on verse 11 and Sefer Hachinuch Mitzva 33.
- "Lo tachmod" appears twice in verse 14. Are these two separate commandments? What is the nature of the coveting that one is forbidden to do? See Ibn Ezra on verse 13.
- Compare this commandment to its parallel in Sefer Dvarim 5:18. How does "lo tachmod" appear there? What is the difference between the two words? See Chizkuni on Dvarim 5:17.
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