Rabbi Yaakov Medan
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Why did God choose Avraham? The midrash offers two explanations. The story of the furnace parallels the story of Chanania, Mishael and Azaria, and the...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
There are several stories in Tanakh where the conduct of one of our national forebears or leaders arouses within us a certain sense of discomfort and...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan
Why did God decree that the descendants of Avraham will be exiled to Egypt? Shmuel believes Avraham's sin was a lack of emunah, while Rabbi Abahu and...
Rabbi Chanoch Waxman
We tend to think of a divine covenant, a treaty with God, as something good - not just good, but wholly good. It is a gift from God, granted to the...
Rabbi Yehuda Rock
The forefathers all "call out in the name of God." This lesson analyzes the meaning and significance of this action.
Rabbi Ezra Bick
Sarai offers her maid-servant Hagar to Avram. What motivates her offer? What is she afraid of? His lesson will compare Sarai's offer with Rachel offering...
Rabbi Zeev Weitman
What does Avraham mean when he asks "By what shall I know that I shall inherit it?" What is the significance of the actions of the covenant between the...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
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The story of the Tower of Babel seems like the story of a crime and its punishment. What is the nature of the crime? Where is it described in the story?...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
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The biblical text implies that God created a covenant with the world when it was created. This covenant is implied in the two reasons for saving Noah from...
Prof. Jonathan Grossman
Why were the raven and dove sent to see whether the water had diminished? Why does Noah need to send them, when ultimately he will not leave the ark until...