Rabbi Dr. Tamir Granot
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After the flood there is a need for a new world order. This order is described at the beginning of chapter 9, where the Torah describes a new hierarchy...
Sharón Rimón
The story of the Tower of Bavel is the last of the Bereisheet narratives. What does this story teach us about humanity? Why is it specifically this story...
Rabbi Yehuda Rock
Lemekh hopes that Noah's birth will bring comfort to the world. Noah is a reminder of the good that exists in mankind; In the wake of Lemekh's prayer, God...
Rabbi Ezra Bick
What was the sin of the builders of the Tower of Bavel? What could be wrong with unity? How does confusing mankind with languages solve the problem? What...
Rabbi Zeev Weitman
After mankind was corrupted, God regrets creating man, and destroys every living thing. The renewal of the world after the flood is described as a re-...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
Why didn't God accept Cain's offering? Why was He willing to accept Hevel's offering? Rav Hirsch and Hillel Zeitlin believe Cain was rejected for his...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan
What was the snake's sin? Hazal and the commentators offered a variety of answers to this problem, including among others: the snake incited Chava; he...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
Among the various characters in Parashat Bereisheet, the Torah briefly mentions the mysterious Chanoch son of Yered. Chanoch is clearly a unique...
Rabbi Chanoch Waxman
The statement "and God saw that it was good" is absent from the creation of man. Soon after man's creation, the reader discovers that man reveals that the...
Rabbi Dr. Tamir Granot
This lesson will examine the structure and order of the creation. Through close attention to the words and phrases used in each stage of creation, we can...