Rabbi Yitzchak Levi
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In this shiur we examine the significance of the name Jerusalem. The common view prevalent among Chazal is that the city embodies two aspects, based upon...
Rabbi Yitzchak Levi
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We attempt to show that the spiritual character of Jerusalem and the Temple are bound up with justice. Jerusalem is a place that expresses the source and...
Rabbi Yitzchak Levi
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Surprisingly, nowhere in the Pentateuch is Jerusalem mentioned by its full name. We encounter “Jerusalem” (Yerushalayim) for the first time in the Book...
Rabbi Mordechai Breuer
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Article Length: 7 Pages
Jerusalem is revealed to Avraham at two different periods in his life. First, in the encounter with Malki-Tzedek, king of Shalem, it is revealed in its...
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
There are five passages in the Torah dedicated to the festivals of the Jewish year. By examining them each individually, we notice that each contributes...
Rabbanit Sharon Rimon
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Parshat Kedoshim contains the prohibition of orla –the use of the fruit that grows on a tree for its first three years, and the commandment of neta revai...
Rabbi Meir Spiegelman
In our day-to-day halakhic life, we are accustomed to the fact that "the day begins at night": However, there are areas of Halakha in which the day...
Rabbanit Sharon Rimon
What is the nature of the law "You shall not slaughter it and its young on the same day"? Through an examination of the text and the various commentators...
Rabbi Meir Spiegelman
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Why does the Torah intermix the subjects of the blasphemer and the laws of damages? In fact, why does the Torah mention this subject here at all? It...
Rabbi Ezra Bick
Through a close examination of the text of Parshiot Achrei-Mot and Kedoshim, we can notice that the structure of the social constitution outlined in the...