
Total Number of articles: 1579
Prof. Jonathan Grossman Source:
Parshiot Behar and Bechukotai contain a supplement to the covenant at Sinai, which, alongside the deep, spiritual motivation and voluntarism associated...
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Source:
Repeatedly in this week’s parsha we read of social legislation couched in the language of family. “Your brother” in these verses is not meant literally....
Prof. Jonathan Grossman Source: ; ; ;
"And it happened on the third day in the morning, there was thundering and lightning and a heavy cloud upon the mountain, and THE SOUND OF A SHOFAR WAS...
Rabbi Yehuda Amital Source:
Two incidents appear in Parashat Yitro before the account of the giving of the Torah, yet their actual chronology is nonetheless unclear:  the arrival of...
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein Source: ;
In Parashat Yitro, in the preparations for receiving the Torah, we are told that Moshe came to the people and they all said, “All that God has said – we...
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein Source: ; ; ;
Beyond the power of the experience itself, the receiving of the Torah was also a crucial formative stage for the Jewish people, playing a central role in...
Prof. Jonathan Grossman Source:
Why does the Torah depart from the chronological sequence, and suddenly introduce at the end of Sefer Vayikra commandments (specifically Shemitta and...
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein Source: ; ;
On the one hand, the Torah is a book of commandments incumbent upon us, God's servants, to perform. Yet, on the other hand, there exists within this...
Rabbi Elyakim Krumbein Source:
When studying the Biblical text, one common tool used to uncover the intention of the verses is locating the “keyword” for a particular section. Can we...
