Rabbi Tzvi Sinensky
Before studying the book of Ezra, the controversy concerning the chronology of the kings of Persia must be addressed.
Modern scholarship assumes that the...
Rabbi Tzvi Sinensky
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Yirmiyahu predicted that within just seventy years the Babylonian Empire would be humbled and the Jews restored to their homeland. However, Yirmiyahu...
Dr. Yael Ziegler
In the fateful nighttime encounter on the threshing floor, Boaz is startled to find someone lying at his feet:
And he said, “Who are you?” And she...
Dr. Yael Ziegler
Ruth’s generosity reverses the downward spiral of the megilla’s narrative and launches its arduous movement toward resolution. Ruth, however, cannot act...
Rabbi Menachem Leibtag
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Parshat Yitro describes the historic event of Matan Torah, but the manner in which it does so is not as simple as meets the eye. This shiur contains two...
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein
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Both Moshe and Bnei Yisrael recoiled when they encountered God. Was this fear or awe? An examination reveals this question to be pertinent to our lives as...
Rabbi Itamar Eldar
What does the Torah mean by the paradoxical statement that “all the people saw the sounds” at Sinai? We shall explore the writings of the Sefat Emet,...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan
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The Torah is ambiguous about the question of whether the Revelation at Mount Sinai was only to Moshe – "Lo, I come to you in a thick cloud, that the...
Rabbi Yair Kahn
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Immediately prior to the Asseret Ha-dibbrot (Ten Commandments), an enigmatic dialogue is recorded (19:21-25). God orders Moshe to warn the nation not to...
Rabbi Moshe Taragin
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The blazing provision of Torah certainly highlights both its transcendence as well as the terror seized the audience at Har Sinai. The ambience of Matan ...