Rabbi Meir Spiegelman
What is the goal of the Mishkan? An analysis of the text suggests that the Mishkan’s purpose is twofold: the Mishkan represents a permanent continuation...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
What is the purpose of the Ark of the Covenant? Through a textual analysis in Parshat Teruma, it is clear that the Ark (containing the Tablets of...
Rabbi Gad Eldad
We find a number of variable terms in the legal presentation of the laws of the Torah. Sometimes the command is addressed in the second person; at other...
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
In Parshat Yitro there were the Aseret Hadibrot, the “ten utterances” or general principles. Now in Parshat Mishpatim come the details. They begin by...
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
Parshat Mishpatim takes us through a bewildering transition. Until now in Shemot we have been carried along by the sweep and drama of the narrative: the...
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
One of the most famous phrases in the Torah makes its appearance in this week’s parsha. It has often been used to characterise Jewish faith as a whole. It...
Rabbi David Sabato
In our previous study-guide we learned the first two prophecies in Sefer Malachi. We will now complete the remaining four prophecies in the book. These...
Rabbi David Sabato
Malachi is the last of the prophets of the Second Temple, and he ends the sequence of prophecy in the Tanakh. His time period is not mentioned explicitly...
Rabbi Chanoch Waxman
Why does the Torah embed the story of the "brit Sinai" within the story of the ascent of Moshe and the leadership? What is the thematic connection of the...
Rabbi Ezra Bick
Generally speaking, when we come across a reference to angels in the Torah, we do not necessarily have to engage in an extensive "pshat" investigation. In...