Rabbi David Sabato
The first unit in perek 9 includes a prophecy about the cities of the enemy to the North (1-8). At the center of the perek we find a wonderful and unique...
Rabbi David Sabato
With the building of the Second Temple and the end of the seventy years of exile, the people began to wonder how to relate to the fast days which were...
Rabbi David Sabato
Zechariah’s prophetic visions continue in these perakim. The two visions in perek 5 are similar in style and content, and they describe items which are in...
Rabbi Gad Eldad
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God’s initial plan for the Exodus, as outlined to Moshe, did not go exactly as foretold. The nation did indeed accept and believe Moshe’s message, but...
Rabbi Dr. Tamir Granot
How does God reveal Himself in the world? In this shiur we shall examine this manner of Divine immanence which comes to the world through concretization...
Rabbi Meir Spiegelman
Why did God tell Moshe to lie to Pharaoh? The very first time that God was revealed to Moshe, at the burning bush, He commanded him to tell Pharaoh that...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
In what way was Amalek so much worse than any of Israel's other enemies? What was the significance of Moshe keeping his hands raised throughout the war?...
Prof. Jonathan Grossman
What is the nature of Bnei Yisrael’s complaints in the desert?
Bnei Yisrael were under the mistaken impression that as opposed to the "Hand of God" which...
Rabbi David Sabato
Perek 3: Central to Zechariah’s prophetic visions are two visions which parallel each other: the first focuses on Yehoshua ben Yehotzadak, the high priest...
Rabbi David Sabato
The prophet Zechariah lived and prophesied in the early days of the Second Temple. His prophecies mention the prominent figures of his generation –...