
Total Number of articles: 1579
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Source:
What was the benefit of Yitro’s suggestion to Moshe about delegating the role of judging the Jewish people? By delegating the judicial function downward,... Staff Source:
Use the text below to answer the following questions. You can find a printable PDF version of the text attached.  1. Take a look at the blue highlighted...
Matan Al Haperek
Rabbi David Sabato Source:
Perakim 13 and 14 continue the succession of prophecies about the End of Days. Perek 13 includes two short prophecies about the End of Days: the vision of...
Dr. Brachi Elitzur Source:
The ambiguous expression surrounding the reunion between Moshe and his father-in-law as described in Parshat Yitro allows for two different understandings...
Rabbi Ezra Bick Source:
It seems as though the four commands that follow in the short section of the immediate epilogue to asseret hadibrot - idolatry, the earthen altar, the...
Rabbi Meir Spiegelman Source:
What was the purpose of the Revelation at Sinai? Through a close analysis of the text we can understand the purpose of the Revelation - to confirm the...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet Source:
What is the reason for the prohibition "You shall not covet ... nor shall you desire..." that comes to limit man's thoughts and feelings even when they do...
Rabbi Gad Eldad Source: ;
On his visit to Moshe and Bnei Yisrael at their encampment in the wilderness, Yitro observes Moshe’s daily routine as the nation’s sole judge. He offers a...
Rabbi Michael Hattin Source: Article Length: 9 Pages
The geographical context of the kingdoms to the East of the Jordan River is presented as the background to the heroics of Ehud ben Gera. Shamgar ben Anat...
Matan Al Haperek
Rabbi David Sabato Source:
The different prophecies in perek 11 have a common theme- the use of the shepherd and his flock in their imagery. The first part (1-3) describes the...
