Rabbi Elchanan Samet
There are a few moral problems which arise this week in the tale of Yitzchak's blessings. This story presents two thorny problems: first, the tricking of...
Rabbi Reuven Taragin
By closely examining Avraham's life story from Lekh Lekha until the Akeida we can notice that while Avraham's first tests challenged him to part with the...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
The awareness that the Torah contains many instances of duplication, as well as contradictions between different sources, has always existed. Chazal ...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
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Certain places mentioned in the Torah are called by names that are only given to them many years after the death of Moshe. Spinoza claimed that such...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
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Among the medieval commentators there are two different approaches concerning the verses that appear to have been added at a later time. The more widely...
Rabbi Yair Kahn
Although the documentation of events in the life of Avraham is relatively detailed, we are nonetheless confronted with a number of basic questions: Who...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
We can consider the story of the descent to Egypt and the return from there, and the story of Lot's parting from Avram, as two halves of a single story....
Rabbi Yehuda Shaviv
Avraham's character teaches all future generations what it means to love God, how God selects His nation, and encounters with the nations of the world -...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
There are three instances where Rabbi Yehuda he-Chasid attributes verses of the Torah to the Men of the Great Assembly. While some claim that these...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
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Rabbi Avraham Ibn Ezra (and similarly other medieval commentators) maintained that throughout the Torah there are verses which, like the final verses of ...