
Total Number of articles: 1579
Rabbi Elchanan Samet Source:
There are a few moral problems which arise this week in the tale of Yitzchak's blessings. This story presents two thorny problems: first, the tricking of...
Part 1
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
The awareness that the Torah contains many instances of duplication, as well as contradictions between different sources, has always existed. Chazal ...
Part 4
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source: ;
Certain places mentioned in the Torah are called by names that are only given to them many years after the death of Moshe. Spinoza claimed that such...
Part 3
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source: ;
Among the medieval commentators there are two different approaches concerning the verses that appear to have been added at a later time. The more widely...
Rabbi Yair Kahn Source:
Although the documentation of events in the life of Avraham is relatively detailed, we are nonetheless confronted with a number of basic questions: Who...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet Source:
We can consider the story of the descent to Egypt and the return from there, and the story of Lot's parting from Avram, as two halves of a single story....
Part 2
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
There are three instances where Rabbi Yehuda he-Chasid attributes verses of the Torah to the Men of the Great Assembly. While some claim that these...
Part 1
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source: ; ; ; ; ;
Rabbi Avraham Ibn Ezra (and similarly other medieval commentators) maintained that throughout the Torah there are verses which, like the final verses of ...
