
Total Number of articles: 1579
Part 3
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
There are two main approaches to understanding the way in which Moshe wrote the Torah. According to one approach, exemplified by certain midrashim and the...
Rabbi Yitzchak Blau Source:
After Noah and his family leave the ark, Hashem both blesses them with the promise of offspring and commands them to procreate. In between the blessing...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
The return to in-depth study of the plain text of Tanakh has brought in its wake new challenges: the response to complex questions raised by Tanakh study...
Rabbi Yehuda Shaviv Source:
The haftara emphasizes the power given to humanity to annul the decree of exile, just like the decree of the flood. It also discusses the dispersion of...
Part 3 - The Nations will Know God
Dr. Tova Ganzel Source:
God exiled His people because of their sins, and because God’s chose to hide His face. In the pagan world, by contrast, the harm inflicted on a particular...
