Rabbi David Sabato
In perek 7 the prophecy is directed at the land of Israel and focuses on the violence that fills the land and with a description of the end and...
Rabbi David Sabato
In perek 5 we reach the climax of the series of symbolic acts to which we were introduced in the last perek. This perek includes a difficult, long and...
Rabbi David Sabato
With the completion of his dedicative prophecy, Yehezkel remains among the people of the captivity for seven days - "Then I came to those of the captivity...
Rabbi David Sabato
Yechezkel's prophecy is unique because it was delivered in exile. These learning pages deal with the background to Yechezkel's prophecy, the vision of the...
Rabbi Dr. Tamir Granot
Source: ;
Some of the most fundamental elements of our historiosophy are missing from the poem of Haazinu. A concise Jewish history which contains no covenant,...
Rabbi David Sabato
The prophecies about Babylonia, which continue in perek 51, are the final prophecies in the book of Yirmiyahu. Described in these prophecies is God's...
Rabbi David Sabato
Perek 49 includes prophecies to five nations. The perek opens with a prophecy about the destruction of Ammon, Moab's northern neighbor, who fought with...
Rabbi David Sabato
The prophecies for the gentile nations continue in perakim 47-48. Perek 47 includes a short prophecy on the destruction of the Philistine cities, which...