Eliyahu's Prayer (Part 3)
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
"And you have turned their heart backward" is interpreted to mean that God is responsible for the nation turning away from Him. This interpretation is...
Eliyahu's Prayer (Part 2)
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
The challenge at Mount Carmel has both a universal significance in determining the true God, a national significance in redefining the national character...
Shiur #35: Carmel Part 5: Eliyahu's Prayer (Part 1)
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
The duality of the prayer by the prophets of Ba’al is mirrored in Eliyahu’s dual prayer, and by the nation’s dual response. These represents the...
Eliyahu's Preparations for the Descent of God's Fire (Part 4)
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
The trench is meant to collect the water that is poured upon the altar, but it also represents the demarcation of the place of the altar in God's Name. It...
Eliyahu's Preparations for the Descent of God's Fire (Part 3)
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
Eliyahu builds the altar with twelve stones, and his actions are reminiscent of the altar that Moshe constructed at Sinai. Moshe created a covenant...
Eliyahu's Preparations for the Descent of God's Fire (Part 2)
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
Eliyahu’s invitation to the people to approach is meant to facilitate the continuation of the paused dialogue that the prophet began when he approached...
Eliyahu's Preparations for the Descent of God's Fire (part 1)
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
The preparations of the prophets of Ba’al for the sacrifice are described briefly, while the description of their attempt to bring down the fire is...
Eliyahu addresses the prophets of Ba'al (Part 3)
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
The failure of the prophets of Ba’al is described in two stages: Prayer and action with no response, followed by intensified prayer and action, but still...
Eliyahu addresses the prophets of Ba'al (Part 2)
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
Eliyahu encourages the prophets of Ba’al to call out louder. Some commentators believe that Eliyahu was explicitly mocking them, but it seems unlikely...
Eliyahu Addresses the Prophets of Ba'al
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
The way the challenge is presented to the nation differs from the way it is presented to prophets of Ba’al, in order to facilitate each side offering...