
Total Number of articles: 1579
The Widow in Tzarfat (part II)
Rabbi Elchanan Samet Source:
Eliyahu chooses a miraculous existence of survival for himself despite the suffering of others, who do not have miracles to sustain them, rather than...
The Widow in Tzarfat
Rabbi Elchanan Samet Source:
Eliyahu’s move to Tzarfat symbolizes a continuation of the argument between God and Eliyahu that began at Nahal Kerit. The move brings Eliyahu in contact...
Wadi Kerit
Rabbi Elchanan Samet Source:
While God has fulfilled Eliyahu’s decree of drought, God’s choice of words to Eliyahu, the name of the location to which he is sent, and the fact that he...
Eliyahu's Experiences During the Drought: ֠For What Purpose Are They Recorded?
Rabbi Elchanan Samet Source:
The first verse of Chapter 17 begins the three years of drought and the first verse of Chapter 18 begins the end of the drought. From Chapter 18 one can...
Eliyahu's Oath: Commanded by God or on the Initiative of the Prophet?
Rabbi Elchanan Samet Source:
The Sages and commentators agree that Eliyahu’s decree of drought was not commanded by God but was his own initiative. The absence of the words “So says...
Eliyahu's Appearance
Rabbi Elchanan Samet Source:
With no introduction, Eliyahu – who was apparently an experienced prophet – bursts onto the scene and decrees to Ahav that no rain will fall. It appears...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet Source: ;
Sefer Melakhim dedicates two literary sections to the activities of two prophets. Eliyahu and Elisha perform many miracles and Elisha is Eliyahu’s...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan Source:
A chronological summary of all of the chapters in Sefer Daniel.
Rabbi Yaakov Medan Source:
The Rambam posits that the ultimate punishment for the wicked is ceasing to exist like an animal. The Ramban disagrees and believes that the ultimate...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan Source:
The importance of the faith in the resurrection of the dead is stressed by the Sages and the Rambam. God’s original plan was for man to live eternally....
