Rabbi Elchanan Samet
Eliyahu’s meeting with Ovadya prior to meeting Ahav is intended to show Ahav that Eliyahu is not capitulating to Ahav, and strengthen the God fearing...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
God commands Eliyahu to go to Ahav, and tells him that He will bring rain. Eliyahu sets off to fulfill his mission with mixed feelings. His experiences...
Eliyahu Revives the Widow of Tzarfat's Son (VII)
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
While both exist within a similar general framework, clear differences exist between the resurrection performed by Eliyahu and the resurrection performed...
Eliyahu Revives the Widow of Tzarfat's Son (part VI)
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
An inverse relationship exists between the literary structure of the story of Eliyahu’s initial arrival in Tzarfat and the story of the revival of the...
Eliyahu Revives the Widow of Tzarfat's Son (part V)
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
Up until this point, Eliyahu only represented God’s trait of strict justice. After Eliyahu resurrects the woman's dead son for the child's own sake the...
Eliyahu Revives the Widow of Tzarfat's Son (part IV)
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
When his first cry is not answered, Eliyahu turns towards the boy, to stretch out over him; this signifies his change in perception. Two changes are noted...
Eliyahu Revives the Widow of Tzarfat's Son (part III)
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
The preferential conditions that Eliyau has enjoyed for the last year have now expired - and therefore the widow and her son are no longer different from...
Eliyahu Revives the Widow of Tzarfat's Son (part II)
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
The woman and her son are saved from immediate death by starvation thanks to the miracle invoked by Eliyahu, but their existence throughout the year is...
Eliyahu Revives the Widow of Tzarfat's Son
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
Eliyahu's conditions of survival in the widow's home are not a solution, in the context of the broader story, but rather an obstacle to the flow and...
The Widow in Tzarfat (part III)
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
The suffering of the widow, expressed in her climatic monologue, and Eliyahu's need to share her food in a way that causes him discomfort, finally lead...