
Total Number of articles: 1579
Chapter 11 (Part I)
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source:
Nahash the Ammonite attacked the people of Yavesh Gilad; without Shaul's intervention, the people of Yavesh Gilad would have had to surrender in shame....
Chapter 11 (Part II)
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source:
After Shaul was anointed as king in chapter 10, Nahash the Ammonite attacked Yavesh Gilad in chapter 11, and no one turns to Shaul for help. Shaul returns...
Chapter 12
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source:
Shmuel's farewell speech from the nation is touching both in content and style, but filled with linguistic and grammatical difficulties. This lesson will...
Chapter 13-14 (Part I)
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source:
"Saul reigned one year; and when he had reigned two years over Israel," - What is the meaning of this verse? This lesson will discuss the revolt against...
Chapters 13-14 (Part II)
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source:
Shaul's impatience to wait for Shmuel costs him the monarchy. Why was Shmuel delayed until the last minute? Which biblical event is paralleled in this...
Chapter 4 (Part II)
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source:
The epilogue to chapter 4 discusses the death of Pinhas's wife during the birth of Ikhabod. This story is a supplement to the nation's defeat in their...
Chapter 5
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source:
While Israel's defeat to the Philistines was a divine punishment, the Philistines perceived their victory as a testimony to their own strength, and...
Chapter 6
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source:
After various trials and tribulations the Philistines decide to return the Ark to Israel. This happy event turns tragic when thousands of Israelites die....
Chapter 7
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source:
Chapter 7 is the only chapter in the Book of Shmuel which describes Shmuel as leader of the entire nation. This lesson examines Shmuel's leadership, and...
Chapter 8 (Part I)
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source:
Chapter 8 describes one of the most dramatic events in the bible: the nation's request for a king. Despite the fact that the laws of the king are...
