
Total Number of articles: 1579
Prof. Jonathan Grossman Source: ;
This article examines the impurity and process of purification for the metzora. The laws of the metzora are reminiscent of the laws of mourning; he "...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source: ;
The structure of the section in the Torah devoted to leprous sores, which begins in our parasha and concludes in Parashat Metzora, gives rise to an...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet Source:
Hazal and medieval commentators debate the reason behind prohibited sexual relations, and question whether this is a reasoned edict, or an unexplained law...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source: ;
Why does the Torah repeat the list of prohibited sexual relations twice? This lesson explains why the episodes discussing prohibited relations belong to...
Prof. Jonathan Grossman Source: ;
What is "mikra kodesh"? Why is the parasha of Yom Kippur written is dual form? What is the relationship between Yom Kippur in and outside of the Mishkan?...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet Source:
An analysis of the position of Rabbi Yehuda ha-Levi in "the kuzari" regarding the verse "from the day following the Shabbat," which according to Hazal...
Rabbi Yaakov Medan Source:
The terms used to describe the Mishkan have specific meanings. Mikdash is another word for the Holy Ark; Mishkan refers to the fabrics covering the...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet Source: ;
The episode describing the daily Burnt Offering seems to be out of place, and is repeated in greater detail in Parashat Pinchas. Is there a relationship...
