
Total Number of articles: 1579
Chapter 8 (Part II)
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source:
After the nation requested a king, Shmuel is sent to explain the dangers of monarchy. Shmuel's outlook on the future of the nation is grim. Does his...
Chapter 9 (Part I)
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source:
In chapter 9 we are introduced to the character of Shaul, in a long story of Shaul's search for his father's donkeys. What is the purpose of this story? A...
Chapter 9 (Part II)
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source:
This lesson explores Shmuel and Shaul's first meeting. This meeting is accompanied by a variety of surprising elements, including serendipity and secrecy.
Prof. Jonathan Grossman Source:
A close look at the Musaf Sacrifices reveals a general philosophy about the essence and order of the biblical holidays. This article attempts to uncover...
Prof. Jonathan Grossman Source: ;
The Cities of Refuge serve a dual purpose: They protect the accidental killer from the blood avenger, and if the killing is indeed found to be accidental...
Rabbi Menachem Leibtag Source: ; ;
Why isn't Jerusalem mentioned in the Torah? A careful read of Parashat Re'eh will uncover the significance and purpose of Jerusalem, and the reason it isn...
Prof. Jonathan Grossman Source:
The Torah states that each man shall die for his own sin. This statement seems redundant - why would anyone think otherwise? This article raises a number...
Prof. Jonathan Grossman Source:
Parashat Nitzavim seems like a direct continuation of Parashat Ki Tavo; however, Parashat Hateshuva appears separately, and is not part of the covenant....
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source:
The parasha opens with Moshe's farewell address to Bnei Yisrael and his blessings to the tribes. The blessings of the tribes of Levi and Yosef are...
