Rabbanit Sharon Rimon
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The incense appears twice in Parashat Korah: once in the context of the incense test, and a second time when Aharon stops the plague. What is unique about...
Prof. Jonathan Grossman
What was the sin of Moshe and Aharon at Mei Meriva? This lesson suggests an explanation based on the comparison to Parashat Beshalah in particular, and...
Prof. Jonathan Grossman
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There is a striking resemblance between the sin of Baal Peor and the sin of the Golden Calf. In both cases, the sin (which involves idolatry and...
Prof. Jonathan Grossman
The sin of Baal Peor, Pinchas’s act, and the commandment to battle Midian – are separated from the actual Midian War by six seemingly unrelated episodes:...
Rabbanit Sharon Rimon
The list of travels in Parashat Masei is not purely geographical; it offers a summary of the travels through the desert, and provides meaning for the...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
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The episode involving the tribes of Gad and Reuven is written in great detail. The conditions to receiving the land in the Transjordan are repeated twice...
Prof. Jonathan Grossman
What is the Torah's attitude toward eating meat? This article discusses the matter while examining the prohibition to eat meant outside the Mishkan, and...
Rabbi Reuven Taragin
Is there a logic to the order of the episodes in the parasha? Why is chapter 19 sandwiched between chapters 18 and 20, despite the fact that the two...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
Chazal's metaphoric understanding of the verse "You shall not place a stumbling block before the blind" leads to a discussion of biblical metaphors and...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
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There is a variety of differences between the slave in Mishpatim and the slave in Behar; are the two discussing the same slave? If they are, what is the...