
Total Number of articles: 1579
Prof. Jonathan Grossman Source:
What was the sin of Moshe and Aharon at Mei Meriva? This lesson suggests an explanation based on the comparison to Parashat Beshalah in particular, and...
Prof. Jonathan Grossman Source: ;
There is a striking resemblance between the sin of Baal Peor and the sin of the Golden Calf. In both cases, the sin (which involves idolatry and...
Rabbanit Sharon Rimon Source:
The list of travels in Parashat Masei is not purely geographical; it offers a summary of the travels through the desert, and provides meaning for the...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source: ; ;
The episode involving the tribes of Gad and Reuven is written in great detail. The conditions to receiving the land in the Transjordan are repeated twice...
Rabbi Reuven Taragin Source:
Is there a logic to the order of the episodes in the parasha? Why is chapter 19 sandwiched between chapters 18 and 20, despite the fact that the two...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet Source: ;
There is a variety of differences between the slave in Mishpatim and the slave in Behar; are the two discussing the same slave? If they are, what is the...
