
Total Number of articles: 1579
Prof. Jonathan Grossman Source:
Yitzchak’s actions seem similar to those of his father Avraham. A closer look at the relationship between Yitzchak and Abimelech reveals that Yitzchak...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet Source: ;
Why does Reuven tell the brother “do not sin against the child” when he was the one to throw him in the pit? A close look at the sale of Yosef shows that...
Haftarot: Noah
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein Source:
Infertility symbolizes the lack of hope for a better future, even if the present reality is tolerable, while desolation represents present suffering with...
Haftarot: Lekh Lekha
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein Source:
The prophet emphasizes God's ability and desire to redeem His nation, both because of their significance, and because of the covenant of the Forefathers.
Haftarot: Shemot
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein Source: ;
The first part of the haftara discusses the idolatry practiced by Bnei Yisrael, while the second half claims that the greater sin of the nation is...
Haftarot: Yitro
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein Source: ;
God’s exaltation is beyond all measure; how then can He act within the confines of the world He created? God's transcendence stands in contradiction to...
