Prof. Jonathan Grossman
God tells Avraham that his children will be enslaved in Egypt; and the angel describes – in similar terms – Hagar suffering Sarah’s oppression. The Torah...
Prof. Jonathan Grossman
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The news of Yitzchak’s birth appears twice in the Torah. What is the purpose of the repetition? This article demonstrates how Avraham and Sarah’s son...
Prof. Jonathan Grossman
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While Yitzchak is chosen to continue the legacy and covenant of Avraham; Yishmael maintains a unique status. What is the nature of Yishmael’s status; and...
Prof. Jonathan Grossman
Yitzchak’s actions seem similar to those of his father Avraham. A closer look at the relationship between Yitzchak and Abimelech reveals that Yitzchak...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet
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Why does Reuven tell the brother “do not sin against the child” when he was the one to throw him in the pit? A close look at the sale of Yosef shows that...
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein
Infertility symbolizes the lack of hope for a better future, even if the present reality is tolerable, while desolation represents present suffering with...
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein
The prophet emphasizes God's ability and desire to redeem His nation, both because of their significance, and because of the covenant of the Forefathers.
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein
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The first part of the haftara discusses the idolatry practiced by Bnei Yisrael, while the second half claims that the greater sin of the nation is...
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein
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God’s exaltation is beyond all measure; how then can He act within the confines of the world He created? God's transcendence stands in contradiction to...
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein
The prophet describes the relationship between God and Am Yisrael in terms of a servant and master. Sacrifices are therefore necessary to enable the...