
Total Number of articles: 1579
Chapter 1
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source:
Hannah's powerful character is at the center of the first story in the Book of Shmuel. Hannah copes with emunah and extraordinary strength of character...
Chapter 3
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source:
The structure and content of Tefillat Chana uncovers various problems with attributing the authorship of this prayer to Chana. This lesson will resolve...
Chapter 4
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source:
The structure of the paragraph highlights the difference between Shmuel, who grows into a positive character, contrasted with the deterioration of Eli's...
Chapter 5
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source:
After expanding on the theme of Eli's sons, a prophet comes to Eli to warn him of the disastrous ramifications of his sons' actions. This lesson will...
Chapter 6
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source:
Chapter 3 describes Shmuel's dedication as a prophet. This lesson will discuss the unique way in which Shmuel is called to duty, Eli's role, and the...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source:
What is the significance of the sign of a rainbow in a cloud? What links the Covenant of the Rainbow and the Covenant of Circumcision, and what...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source: ;
This lesson will examine the famous midrash about Avraham breaking his father’s idols. The analysis will use the literary analogy to the biblical story of...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source:
"And God appeared to him" - why? What is the relationship between God's revelation and the revelation of the angels? This lesson explores Rashbam's unique...
Rabbi Yair Kahn Source:
The previous parasha tracked the spiritual deterioration of the nation when they embark on the desert journey. The Sin of the Spies presents a new low,...
