Rabbi Yaakov Medan
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To which murderer is the Torah referring when it states “you shall take him from My altar to die”? Chazal’s interpretation included only one who murders...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
Hannah's powerful character is at the center of the first story in the Book of Shmuel. Hannah copes with emunah and extraordinary strength of character...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
The structure and content of Tefillat Chana uncovers various problems with attributing the authorship of this prayer to Chana. This lesson will resolve...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
The structure of the paragraph highlights the difference between Shmuel, who grows into a positive character, contrasted with the deterioration of Eli's...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
After expanding on the theme of Eli's sons, a prophet comes to Eli to warn him of the disastrous ramifications of his sons' actions. This lesson will...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
Chapter 3 describes Shmuel's dedication as a prophet. This lesson will discuss the unique way in which Shmuel is called to duty, Eli's role, and the...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
What is the significance of the sign of a rainbow in a cloud? What links the Covenant of the Rainbow and the Covenant of Circumcision, and what...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
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This lesson will examine the famous midrash about Avraham breaking his father’s idols. The analysis will use the literary analogy to the biblical story of...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak
"And God appeared to him" - why? What is the relationship between God's revelation and the revelation of the angels? This lesson explores Rashbam's unique...
Rabbi Yair Kahn
The previous parasha tracked the spiritual deterioration of the nation when they embark on the desert journey. The Sin of the Spies presents a new low,...